God bless you, and thank you for stopping by my website. I'm thankful for every person that sows or gives into our great ministry, but I want to share for just a moment about the power of partnership.

Partnership enables us to do what we couldn't do alone. As a matter of fact, the apostle Paul wrote about it in the book of Philippians. He said this: when you partner with a ministry, you're a partaker of every grace that's on that ministry. That means, every time that ministry sees the hand of God move in somebody's life, maybe somebody gets born again, gets healed, a broken heart is mended, a relationship is restored, you are a participator - you're a partaker of that grace. That’s the power of partnership!

When we connect together in that strong way, now all of a sudden we're using our resources to reach the world with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is why I have established three levels of partnership, and I encourage you to partner with me today to see the gospel preached to the ends of the earth. Now, certainly, the higher the level of partnership, the more direct the impact is on what we can accomplish, but every level counts.

Thank you to all my partners, and to those who are choosing to be a partner today. Thank you for standing in faith, thank you for believing God with me. I can't wait to continue to reach people with the gospel of the Kingdom through the power of partnership.

- Pastor Brian Hallam


Partnership level

$10 - $99


Partnership level

$100 - $499


Partnership level




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